Promise to Abraham... AND YOU?
A Promise to Abraham... AND YOU!?
“I will make you a great nation; I will bless you And make your name great; And you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.””
Genesis 12:2-3
These promises did not rely on anything from Abraham other than to step out in faith. Abraham had no control over anything promised other than his obedience. It would be up to God to bless the world through him. Yet, as the promise seemed impossible and Sarah and Abraham had no children yet, they devised a plan to ‘Help’ God with his promise. The outcome was disastrous.
Genesis 12:2-3
These promises did not rely on anything from Abraham other than to step out in faith. Abraham had no control over anything promised other than his obedience. It would be up to God to bless the world through him. Yet, as the promise seemed impossible and Sarah and Abraham had no children yet, they devised a plan to ‘Help’ God with his promise. The outcome was disastrous.
Reflection Questions
How often do we attempt to take control of the promises that God makes us or help Him with it?
How can we learn to trust God's timing?
How can we learn to trust God's timing?
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