John 12 Part 1

Jan 20, 2025    Pastor Spencer Fusselman

“Hosanna! ‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!’

The King of Israel!” - Jn 12:13.

In our study of John chapter 12, we drove into the profound act of "Pure Worship, Unrestrained Worship." The narrative unfolds with the powerful scene of Mary anointing Jesus with costly oil, a gesture of extravagant love and selfless devotion. This striking act stands in stark contrast to Judas Iscariot's greed and his misconstrued understanding of the identity of Jesus and his mission (this time) on earth. This passage serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of truly knowing Jesus, beyond our own limited expectations and preconceived notions. It challenges us to move beyond superficiality and offer our lives as a living sacrifice, fully surrendered to the worship of God. True worship isn't about personal gain or maintaining appearances - it's about recognizing Jesus for who He is and giving our absolute best without restraint. Many approach worship with expectations of personal benefit or material blessings, but genuine worship focuses solely on glorifying God and demonstrating unrestrained love through sacrificial service to others. God’s word offers us a stirring call to emulate Christ's unrestrained love and to live a life that not only acknowledges God's existence but actively glorifies Him in spirit and TRUTH. 

- What are your favorite worship songs and why? (What truths of God do they contain?)