Chapter 1 - Part 3

Jul 16, 2024

In this last segment of John chapter 1, (verses 35-51) Jesus calls his first few disciples. One by one he revealed truth to them as they chose to follow him, and the truth He revealed about them also revealed the truth of who Jesus is; the sovereign God of the Universe. To Andrew, the truth that He was the Messiah. To Peter, (then Simon) Jesus revealed a deep struggle and a promise, that this once unstable man would be soon grounded on solid rock. To Phillip, a simple command, “Follow Me,” but the command rich with truth and purpose that to follow Him is the only way to true life. To Nathanial, deep insight into his character, an Israelite of pure motives. To which Nathaniel responds with a question “How do You know me?” Jesus answered and said to him, “Before Phillip called you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you.” (Jn 1:48.) Instantly connecting Him to the fact that this was indeed the omniscient God in the flesh. Each of these disciples responded to Jesus with a simple word RABBI” Which means teacher. However, This word is not to be overlooked or taken lightly. While today we use ‘teacher’ as a job title culturally speaking, ‘rabbi’ was only used for a teacher that one personally deeply respects, admires or reveres. Further it implied the positional authority of the rabbi over the student, and an act of humble dedication, and submission to the teachings of the rabbi. This word goes far beyond the American construct of a teacher-to-student relationship. It is a call into intimacy in the sense of doing life side by side, learning, following, and maturing every day.

Unlike many Christians in today’s world, these first disciples didn’t want something from Jesus, they simply wanted JESUS! What would it look like in the world today if our churches today wanted Jesus more than the gifts he brings These first disciples simply asked where are you staying. To which he simply replied Vs 39 Come and see (Jn 1:39) Inviting them into a personal relationship rather than a religion or experience.