John Chapter 6

Sep 16, 2024    Pastor Spencer Fusselman

14 Then those men, when they had seen the sign that Jesus did, said, “This is truly the Prophet who is to come into the world.”

Jn 6:14.

Loaves and fishes… A famous Sunday school story but what does it actually mean for us today? What is the deeper message here? The key is in the test. Philip was tested by Jesus when he was asked where they could buy bread for this multitude of people. An important note is that an all-knowing God isn't going to ask you for advice. Rather, Jesus was trying to (again) shift their minds from the physical and natural to the spiritual. The disciples approached the problem by first looking at their physical resources before even considering their spiritual resources in God. How often do we fall into that trap? How many times do we try to scrape together a solution without even considering God’s solution? Further what the disciples thought was ‘too little’ is often more than enough for God when we give it all to Him. 

Later we see Jesus send His disciples away and retreat from all the people following Him. While not explicitly stated in this chapter, Jesus often retreated into solitude to spend time with the Father in prayer. Perhaps a pressing question is; how often do we follow that example? Do we have our own time with Jesus? Or is our only spiritual bread on Sunday mornings or in gatherings with others? 

Read John 6:1-21 How does this section of John 6 prove or demonstrate the Divinity of Christ? What Old Testament stories would the Jewish audience have remembered here? (Key vs 14-15)