Chapter 3 Part 2
Jesus’ final command found in Matthew 28 instructs us to “Go and make disciples of every nation.”. Our primary directive as believers is to SHARE the good news. Perhaps better phrased: we point to Christ. In this last section of John 3, John points the spotlight off of him and onto Christ. His disciples thought that he should gain these disciples, while he was in fact losing disciples to Jesus. But he reminded them that his role was to make way for Christ. In our lives how do we make way for Christ? Imagine a world where someone could have come to Christ but John the Baptist got in the way. Imagine if someone could have come to Christ but (your name) got in the way. The human condition is to be seen, WE want the spotlight, the recognition, and the glory, but the way of Christ is to become LAST as we pave the way for the true light. Each of us have a unique ministry that starts right now, but so many of us can’t take ourselves out of the spotlight long enough for someone to truly see Christ. We often look for the perfectly timed special ministry opportunity, meaning we live our lives as normal human beings until it’s time to put our Christian hat on and serve. We might say things like, “Whenever I retire I’ll start doing this or that for the kingdom.”, or “When the kids are out of the house I’ll start.”. But what happens if we don’t even make it to tomorrow? Sometimes our best testimony is to become extraordinary in the ordinary things of life. Our calling in this season in life may not be a spotlight ministry, but rather to be the best employee possible so you can cultivate discipleship opportunities as we rise in rank and stature. Your calling could also be to lean into discipling your kids at home, building such relationships that they trust you with their friends and before you know it you are making an impact on the most neglected generation America has ever seen. The extraordinary mission may come, or perhaps it is simply becoming extraordinary in the ordinary. The human condition is to be seen, but the Way of a disciple maker is to make HIM seen.
Read John 3:22-36: True Disciple-makers are Humble, Joyful, and Speak of the word. How do you accomplish or experience these attributes every day?